Saturday, March 3, 2007

About the author

Noël Gama is an AWAI (American Writers & Artists Institute, USA) trained B2B Web copywriter and consultant with more than 20 years experience in the manufacturing industry.

He is the winner of "Writer of the Year 2007" award of The Writers Bureau (UK), the world's largest writing school.

His innovative Blog2Book project was launched by the Consul General of Portugal in June 2006.

His book on writing the obsolescence-free Personnel manual titled, “The Evergreen Redbook” is due for release as the first in the Red2Green series of How-To HRM books.

He writes brochures, articles, press releases, newsletters, white papers, catalogs, and content for landing pages and web sites. 

And, he writes copy himself – he doesn’t hire junior copywriters. The 'Noël Gama' tag on your copy is a guarantee that each and every word was written by him – an advantage not available from other sources.

He has been offered a 2-book deal by Survival Books Ltd., UK for their best-selling series. He has signed the contract for the first book, "Culture Wise India" to be released in the last quarter of 2007. The 2nd book is titled, "Living & Working in India" and is due in spring 2008.

His website: http://

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